International Committee
Dr. Amir Ali Hamidieh Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist Professor of Pediatrics, Tehran University of Medical....
Message from the President of the Congress and the President of the Iranian Genetics Society
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Let not this excellence of thought pass beyond reach Dear esteemed members and lifelong companions of the Iranian Genetics Society! For over half a century, our society has been fortunate to serve faithfully in the advancement....
Guidelines for Writing Articles for the Sixth International Congress and Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Download the Guidelines for Writing a Paper (Guidelines_for_Writing_a_Paper ) Please adhere to the following guidelines in preparing....
Registration Fees
"Articles without a payment receipt will not be referred to the review process." Dear participants, if you wish to have lunch, you should....
Scientific Conference Managers
Human Genetics Branch Dr. Mahdieh Salimi Scientific Secretary of the Human Genetics Branch National Institute of....
Conference Managers
Congress President Dr. Mokhtar Jalali Javaran Associated Professor of Genetic Engineering and Agricultural Biotechnology Department of Plant breeding and Biotechnology Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran, Iran. President of the Iranian Genetics....
More about the scientific committee of ancient Genetics
Branch Motto: Genetics and Biotechnology, Tools for Understanding and Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage (Genome) Based on Population....